Friday, August 6, 2010

Florence, the good, the bad, and the HOT

We're a little behind in our picture posting and my (Krista) mother is dying for some of Italy to get up here, so here we go....and instead of trying to give a detailed account of our first three days in Italy in the lovely city of Florence, here are our top three highs and lows and some pics for your enjoyment (well at least I know my mom will enjoy them :-))


The Pics: Click HERE


Michelangelo's David - it doesn't disappoint
The Gelato - our first experience of the true Italian treasure
A cool river with lots of good views on it, especially at sunset


It was HOT, like sweating walking at night hot.
We don't know Italian, and the locals we came into contact with there were less than thrilled about this.
Although the gelato was amazing, it was a little pricey.

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